
I am a psychologist by training (Comillas Pontifical University), devoted to the study of the brain, one of the most nonlinear, complex systems we know. To even start thinking about it, I had to learn a lot of statistics and methods, and then fight for a PhD grant. I applied to every possible funding opportunity, and won a Spanish Government FPU grant and the Fundación Tatiana Pérez neuroscience fellowship. I accepted the latter, and enrolled in the PhD Program in Biomedical Engineering offered by the Technical University of Madrid, where I got in touch with a bunch of technical stuff related to time series analysis, frequency decomposition, imaging techniques and some biology for engineers. I found a scientific father in Javier Buldú professor at King Juan Carlos University, and head of the Laboratory of Biological Networks (Center for Biomedical Technology).

In my thesis dissertation I study the brain from the perspective of complex sciences, which in simple words means that we believe the brain is a huge number of simple elements continuously interacting between them in unpredictable, nonlinear ways. In practice, we analyse it building frequency-based, multilayer, functional networks obtained from the recorded activity of a particular task (or absent of it). My research team looks for patterns in the networks that differ between experimental conditions (Alzheimer, Schizophrenia, Adolescence development), and relate it to mathematical properties of the signals that reflect the balance of order and randomness of the system.

The PhD opened a lot of new, exciting doors: I met people from very different backgrounds (biologists, engineers and many, many physicists), visited new countries and worked hand to hand for three months with many amazing scientists at the BMU in Cambridge, UK, run by Prof. Ed Bullmore and Dr. Petra Vèrtes. There I applied the methods developed in my thesis project to a dataset on growing adolescents.

After a four-years adventure in a very technical scientific ecosystem, I’m looking back to my origins and realise that I want to apply and teach all the knowledge I have acquired in the journey. To this end, my next move is to apply for post doctoral funding and try to sneak into a good university with interdisciplinar research opportunities.


  • Complex Systems
  • Non-linear dynamics
  • Information-theoretic tools
  • Brain data analyses
  • computational neuroscience
  • Statistical modelling
  • Basic psychology
  • Consciousness


  • BSc in Psychology, 2011-15

    Comillas Pontifical University

  • MSc in Statistics and Methods for Social Sciences, 2015-16


  • PhD in Biomedical Technology (neurosciences), 2016-20

    Technical University of Madrid; King Juan Carlos Univesity


Courses, conferences and workshops


Effects of SARS-CoV-2 and confinement on psychological health

Mar 2020 – Present Madrid, Spain

Project under deveolpment in colaboration with COTERA Education and Aliara Psychology

Responsibilities include:

  • Experimental design
  • Project management and groups coordination
  • Data analysis

Referee role

Jan 2019 – Present

Paper revision in the field of network neuroscience for:

  • Brain Topography
  • Network Neuroscience
  • Brain imaging and behaviour

Doctoral Stay

Brain Mapping Unit (BMU), Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute

Sep 2018 – Dec 2018 Department of psychiatry, University of Cambridge, (UK)
Project under the supervision of Petra Vèrtes and Ed Bullmore. Application of the methods developed in my doctoral thesis to the dataset acquired in the BMU: 1) analyses of complexity/entropy, 2) functional brain networks construction, and 3) network metrics analysis. All methods were applied to resting-state fMRI time series from healthy, young population (14-25 y.o). The main goal is to explore the interplay between the evolution of the functional networks and the complexity and entropy of its time series, and how these changes are related to brain maduration.

Organizing Commitee

15th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference

Jun 2018 – Jun 2018 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - Campus Vicálvaro (Madrid, Spain)

Responsibilities include:

  • Logistics and organization (material, talks, participants, venue, catering)
  • Participants welcome
  • Auxiliar tasks

PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Center for Biomedical Technology - Technical University of Madrid (UPM)

Sep 2016 – Sep 2020 Madrid, Spain

Network neuroscience and clinical neuroscience.

Responsibilities include:

  • Brain datasets curation and analyses (EEG/MEG)
  • Complexity/Entropy analyses on time series
  • Functional Brain Networks methods
  • Frequency-based multilayer architectures in brain networks

Research assistant

Comillas Pontifical University in collaboration with the Civil Guard

Sep 2014 – Jun 2015 Madrid, Spain

Auxiliar assitant for experiments based on event related potentials (electroencephalography, EEG): P300 as an indicator of latent information in oddball paradigm. Project under the supervision of Prof. Lucía Halty Barrutieta, José Luis González and Andrés Sotoca.

Responsibilities include:

  • State-of-the-art review on the topic (bachellor degree thesis)
  • Hands-on experimentation (EEG data acquisition)

Research assistant

Comillas Pontifical University

Sep 2013 – Jun 2014 Madrid, Spain

Assistant under the supervision of María Prieto Ursúa. Project focused on psychology of forgiveness.

Responsibilities include:

  • Literature review on the topic
  • Auxiliar tasks in the publication


Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2020). Asymmetries in football: The pass-goal paradox. Symmetry (submitted).

(2020). Pitch networks reveal organizational and spatial patterns of Guardiola's F.C. Barcelona. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (accepted).

(2020). Permutation Entropy and Statistical Complexity in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease: An Analysis Based on Frequency Bands. Entropy.


(2019). Defining a historic football team: Using Network Science to analyze Guardiola's F.C. Barcelona. Sci. Rep..


(2019). Ordinal synchronization: Using ordinal patterns to capture interdependencies between time series. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.


Recent Talks

and a little bit of (not so recent) teaching

Redes complejas en neurociencia
Frequency-based multilayer networks are impaired due to Alzheimer’s disease.
Fom healthy aging to Alzheimer's disease: a multilayer network approach
Complex Brain Networks: Multilayer Architecture and Cognitive Decline
¿Qué dice la ciencia de las redes sobre tu cerebro?


Conferences, workshops and poster contributions

2nd Latin American Conference on Complex Networks

Conference on complex networks. Cartagena, Colombia.

Poster contribution:

  • Using Network Science to analyze Guardiola’s Barcelona
See certificate

3rd HBP Student Conference: Interdisciplinary Brain Research

Students conference with topics ranging clinical neuroscience to machine learning and robotics appied to brain sciences. Ghent, Belgium.

Assistance, poster presentation and talk:

  • Altered modularity and disproportional integration in functional networks are markers of abnormal brain organization in schizophrenia
See certificate

First Joint Meeting of SEPEX, SEPNECA and AIP experimental

XII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental (SEPEX), the XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva (SEPNECA) and the XXIV Congresso della Sezione Sperimentale - Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP experimental). Madrid, Spain.

Attendance and poster presentation:

  • Mild cognitive impairment: Complexity and synchronization at sensor and source levels
See certificate

Understanding Consciousness. A scientific quest for the 21st century

Conference on consciousness, as studied from pyshics, philosophy and psychology. Barcelona, Spain.
See certificate

International School and Conference on Network Science

Anual, international conference on network sciences and its applications. Paris, France

Attendance and poster presentation:

  • Ordinal Synchronization: A new method to quantify coordination in dynamical systems.
See certificate

Brain Hack Networks: International Hackaton on complex brain networks

Theoretical and hands-on tutorial on functional, brain networks, from the perspective of complex sciences. My project was focused on frequency-based multilayer brain networks, built upong a MEG dataset provided by the Institut. Paris, France

SINC2 one-day workshop on brain connectivity analysis from neural data

Satellite of the BARCCSYN 2018 conference, in the framework of the SINC2 network. The workshop was organized into one theoretical session on functional connectivity estimation, statistics and general methods in brain data and one hands-on session applying the concepts taught before in a free access dataset. Barcelona, Spain
See certificate

Complexity 72h

One week workshop on complex sciences and applications, with a hands-on project on fMRI brain data analysis comparing control subjects with patients of schizophrenia. Project paper entitled Altered Modularity and Disproportional Integration in Functional Networks are Markers of Abnormal Brain Organization in Schizophrenia (arXiv [1805.04329 [q-bio.NC]). Lucca, Italia
See certificate

2nd HBP Student Conference: Transdisciplinary research linking neuroscience, brain medicine and computer science

Workshop focused whole brain dynamics simulation techniques, neuromorphic computing and bioethics. Ljbuljana, Slovenia.

Assistance, poster presentation and lightning talk:

  • Ordinal Synchronization: A novel approach for quantifying synchronization
See certificate

XIV GISC Workshop

Annual conference of the GISC network. Madrid, Spain

Ibersinc Winter School

Workshop on neuronal cultures, modeling of dynamical, nonlinear systems and theoreitcal neuroscience. Barcelona, Spain

1st Latin American Conference on Complex Networks

Attendance to the conference and school (one-day tutorial on theory). Conference on complex networks: new theoretical developments and applications to brain, epidemics and social networks. Puebla, Mexico.

Poster contribution:

  • Using Ordinal Synchronization to evaluate coordination between dynamical systems
See certificate

4th HBP School: Future Computing, Brain Science and Artificial Intelligence

Conferences on mind processes modelling, Machine Learning (theory and applications), statistical physics and visual perception. Workshop on career development and professional network management. Obergurgl, Austria.

Assistance, poster presentation and lightning talk:

  • Using Ordinal Synchronization to evaluate coordination between dynamical systems
See certificate

II Ibersinc meeting

Second annual meeting of the network Ibersinc, in coordination with the network COMSOTEC. Madrid, Spain

XIV GISC Workshop

Annual conference of the GISC network. Lightning talk on my thesis project and first contact with the group. Madrid, Spain

V Congreso Nacional de Psicoterapias Cognitivas

See certificate

Prevención de la violencia sexual y explotación sexual de mujeres y niñas

See certificate

Neurociencia e Inteligencias múltiples. Claves neurodidácticas para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

See certificate

Mindfulness. Teoría y práctica

See certificate

Procesos en Psicología Evolucionista: tendiendo puentes entre la reflexión y la acción

See certificate
